Abstract—- The purposes of this article were to obtain mechanical properties of the dry femur cortical bonesamples through a tensile load and stress concentration factor approach and to provide simulations topredict experimental behaviors based on manipulations of certain properties and parameters of thebiomaterial. Since bone samples have characteristics and geometries, the development of a mathematicalmodel was necessary to describe the combination of stresses interacting in the bone when a tension load isapplied. The samples have average diameters and lengths of 0.5 and 2 inches respectively and were testedusing a 10 kN Universal Tensile Machine to determine mechanical properties such as yield and ultimate stress,young module, fracture, among others. Several simulations were conducted to evaluate failure criteria like“Von Mises”, “Tresca” and “Tsai-Wu”. Finally, was concluded that 83% of the data obtained from the 22 samplesobserved in the “Stress-Strain” charts showed a directly proportional relationship. Keywords: mechanical properties, stress-strain curve, stress concentration factor, failure criteria simulationSimulation of Combined Stresses and Stress Concentration Factor Effects on a Femur Cortical BonesISSN-E: 2697-3650Velez. Simulation of Combined Stresses and Stress Concentration Factor Effects on a Femur Cortical Bones Alex J. Velez-Cruzhttps://orcid.org/0000-0002-9289-5256alvelez@pupr.edu Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico San Juan, Puerto RicoResumen—Los propósitos de este artículo fueron obtener propiedades mecánicas de muestras secas enhueso fémur a través de fuerzas en tensión y del factor de concentración de esfuerzos y proveersimulaciones para predecir comportamientos experimentales basados en manipulaciones de ciertosparámetros y propiedades. Dado que las muestras tienen geometrías características, fue necesariodesarrollar un modelo matemático para describir las combinaciones de esfuerzos que interaccionaban en elhueso cuando se aplica una carga de tensión. Las muestras tienen diámetros promedios y longitudes de 0.5y 2 pulgadas respectivamente y fueron evaluadas utilizando una Maquina de Tensión Universal paradeterminar propiedades mecánicas como esfuerzos ultimo y de fluencia, módulo de elasticidad, entre otras.Varias simulaciones fueron ejecutadas para evaluar criterio de fallas tales como “Esfuerzo Von Mises”,“Tresca” y “Tsai-Wu”. Finalmente, se concluyó que 83% de los datos obtenidos de 22 muestras observadas engráficas “Esfuerzo-Desplazamiento” mostraron una relación directamente proporcional.Palabras clave: propiedades mecánicas, curva de esfuerzo y desplazamiento, factor de concentración deesfuerzo, simulación de criterio de fallaSimulación de los Efectos de Combinaciones de Esfuerzo y Factor de Concentración de Esfuerzo en Hueso Femoral Cortical8Recibido(16/04/2022), Aceptado(15/05/2022)Minerva JournalVol.3, Issue. 8, (pp. 8-19)https://doi.org/10.47460/minerva.v3i8.60
I.Introduction The characterization of biomaterials is necessary to determine the mechanical, chemical, and electrical, amongother interesting properties of the material [1]. The mechanical property is obtained from a mechanicaldestructive test, called the tensile test. Basically, it is when a pulling force or tension is applied to materialsuntil it fails or breaks, providing information about the Yield Strength , Ultimate Tensile Strength ,Ductility (D), Young's modulus (E), and Poisson's ratio (ν) of the material [2] [3] [4]. Bone is composed of three different types of bones, cortical, trabecular (cancellous), and marrow bones.Cortical bone is dense and solid and surrounds the marrow space, whereas trabecular bone is composed of ahoneycomb-like network of trabecular plates and rods interspersed in the bone marrow compartment [5].Those bones are separated into two main elements, the cellular component, and an extracellular matrix. Thematrix, which is responsible for the mechanical strength of the bone tissue, is formed by an organic and amineral phase, but a liquid component is also present [6]. By weight, bone contains approximately 60%mineral, 10% water, and about 30% collagenous matrix. The mineral component influences the stiffness of thebone, whereas the collagen network contributes significantly to its fracture properties. Typically, engineers consider three basic tasks when biomaterials are being evaluated. The first, understandingthe properties of the materials (strength, fatigue, among others); second, the analysis of the response of thestudy material when is subject to external loads (Free Body Diagrams) and third; the determination of theweakest areas of the material (stress concentration factors) [7]. The intended research is oriented to obtainthe stress-strain relation of dry canine cadaveric cortical bone samples using the stress concentration factor rrrrr analysis.The Kscf is the ratio of the highest stress (σmax) to reference stress (σref) of the gross cross-section. Thisexperimental factor shall be considered as part of the engineering analysis on the stress-strain curve since themechanical properties of the biomaterial can be affected directly. During this research will be seen acombination of the stresses interacting on bone samples when they are subject to axial loads. Based on thedestructive tensile test and the stress concentration factor approach, it is expected to see normal, bendingand shear stresses influencing the behavior of the stress-strain curve.Therefore, the target of this research will be focused to perform a simulation through a Computer Aid Drafting(CAD) tool (CREO Parametric) with the intent to use a failure criterion (Von Miss Stress, Tresca, Tsai-Wu, etc.) todetermine their critical values before a fracture occurs and to compare those values among them. Also, willserve to model the interaction of the principal stresses and the effect that those stresses have on thebehavior of the stress-strain curve. The new stress-strain curve obtained from the simulation will be comparedagainst the experimental curve obtained from the tensile tests. Finally, error calculations are documented toanalyze, describe, and predict the accuracy and precision of the proposed model as well as how well isbehaving.9Minerva JournalISSN-E: 2697-3650Velez. Simulation of Combined Stresses and Stress Concentration Factor Effects on a Femur Cortical Bones Vol.3, Issue. 8, (pp. 8-19)
II. DEVELOPMENTA. Mechanical Properties of the BoneThe diverse forms and geometries of cortical and trabecular bones result in different mechanical properties.The mechanical properties of the bone vary according to species, size, age, among other characteristics andparameters. The mineral content in a bone shows little changes with increasing age, and this behavior isobserved in its stiffness. In contrast, the energy absorbed (toughness) during the fracture of bone decreasessignificantly with increasing age, which contributes to an inverse proportional relationship. The mineral phasemost likely imparts stiffness to the bone, whereas the collagen network contributes significantly to its fractureproperties [6]. Cortical bone is an anisotropic material, meaning that its mechanical properties vary according to the directionof load. The strength and tensile/compressive moduli of cortical bone along the longitudinal direction aregreater than those along the radial and circumferential directions. Nowadays, minor fluctuations in mechanicalproperties have been observed in the radial versus circumferential direction, recommending that cortical bonecan be considered as a transversely isotropic material. When samples receive tension along the longitudinaldirection, cortical bone shows a bilinear stress-strain response in which a distinct yield point separates alinearly elastic region and a region of linear hardening that ends abruptly at a fracture strain of less than 3.Cortical bone specimens loaded in the transverse direction fail in a more brittle manner compared with thoseloaded in the longitudinal direction [8]. B. Stress-Strain CurveThe following diagram has the intent to provide detailed background information regarding the behavior of thefemur bone material when is subject to tension loads.10Minerva JournalISSN-E: 2697-3650Fig. 1. Stress-Strain Diagram [9] In Fig. 1 above, point A represents the proportional limit, which the slope of this line is better known as theYoung’s Modulus. For segment AB, the material may still be elastic in the sense that the deformations arecompletely recovered when the load is removed, and this point B is called the elastic limit or yield point. PointA and segment AB are part of the elastic region, which is governed by Hook’s law. Beyond point B, Velez. Simulation of Combined Stresses and Stress Concentration Factor Effects on a Femur Cortical Bones Vol.3, Issue. 8, (pp. 8-19)
C. Principal Stresses The engineering measures of stress (σ) and strain (ε) are determined from the measured load (P) anddeflection (δ) using the original specimen cross-sectional area and length as:11Minerva JournalISSN-E: 2697-3650When the stress (σ) is plotted against the strain (ε), an engineering stress-strain curve such as that shown inFig. 1 is obtained [10]. In the early phase of the stress-strain curve, various materials obey Hooke’s law to areasonable approximation, so that stress is proportional to strain with the constant of proportionality beingthe modulus of elasticity or Young’s modulus (E) [11]:Since bones vary in geometry, a representation of the mathematical model is needed to explain the physicalphenomena occurring during the experimental tests. Therefore, the following equation related to thecombination of principal stresses (σt) (normal, bending, and shear) will be briefly discussed and furtherimplemented in the proposed cortical bone model. The kscf, σn, σb and τ are provided as follows:where stress concentration factor (kscf) is the ratio of the highest stress (σmax) to reference stress (σref) ofthe gross cross-section: where F is the applied normal force and A is the cross-sectional area of the specimen:where F is the applied normal force, r is radio, and I is the inertia moment A is the cross-sectional area of thespecimen:and assuming a cylindrical hollow element, τ, can be approximated as described in (7), where V is the shearstress value and A is the cross-sectional area of the specimen. Thus, substituting (4), (5), (6) and (7) into (3), thefinal combined stresses equation is represented as follows: Velez. Simulation of Combined Stresses and Stress Concentration Factor Effects on a Femur Cortical Bones Vol.3, Issue. 8, (pp. 8-19)
D. Principal StrainsOn the other hand, principal strains (maximum and minimum normal strains) shall be considered as part ofthe cortical bone behavior, which is obtained from differentiating axial , and lateral with respect to θ.Then, the general equation for the total principal strains present in the experiment is provided as follows: 12Minerva JournalISSN-E: 2697-3650where and are obtained from the following plane stress-strain formula [12]:where shear strain is related with the orientation of the planes of the principal strains as follows: According to the experiment provided there is no variation in the stress-strain planes, therefore, θ = 0, whichmakes for all data collected from the experimental tests. Furthermore, no shear strains will be actingon the planes of the principal strains, which means that (10) will be eliminated from the principal stressanalysis when simulation take place. Nevertheless, substituting (9) into (8), the combined principal strains equation is represented as follow: Finally, incorporating (8) and (12) respectively (principal stresses and strains) into the mathematical model,predictions can be made through a simulation to determine the main objectives of this research, mechanicalproperties, and failure criteria.E. Failure CriteriaFailure principles are used to determine and predict if a material will fail under certain circumstances,including loads, engineering parameters, mechanical properties, among others. From a mechanics of materialperspective, exits basic failure criteria. For purpose of this research, the Distortion Energy (Von Mises), Tresca(Maximum Shear Stress) and Tsai-Wu (Failure Index) criteria will be used to evaluate the fracture point of thebiomaterial. According to [13], Von Mises’s theory, a ductile solid will yield when the distortion energy densityreaches a critical value for that material. Since this should be true for the uniaxial stress state also, the criticalvalue of the distortional energy can be estimated from the uniaxial test. Based on this experiment, the analysisis considered as two–dimensional plane stress state, which indicated that , simplifying the principal VonMises stress equation as follows: Velez. Simulation of Combined Stresses and Stress Concentration Factor Effects on a Femur Cortical Bones Vol.3, Issue. 8, (pp. 8-19)
A reasonable safety of factor (SOF) for engineering analysis should be greater than 1. The inverse of the SOF isfailure index (Tsau-Wu), which means that Failure Index simulations with less than 1 are not going to fail.III. METHODOLOGY The bones are considered biological materials; therefore, health and safety must be present throughout theresearch to avoid and minimize any type of risk to researchers. The research conducted has a combination ofmethodologies since experimental tests, procedures, equipment protocols and observations were conductedwith the intent to obtain representative real scenarios regarding the behavior of the bones when they criticalaxial loads are applied. In general terms, this research has focused in quantitative and experimentalmethodologies.The canine cortical bone samples were collected by a veterinarian and temporarily stored in a freezer at 50degrees Fahrenheit. The humerus and femur dry bone samples were extracted from adults and young dogs ofmid and large sizes respectively. The samples were transported in a foam cooler covered with ice from theVeterinarian Hospital to the Bioimpedance Laboratory at the Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico. Then,samples were cleaned with water at room temperature (72 degrees Fahrenheit) to remove leftover tissuessuch as muscles, tendons, and ligaments. To preserve the dry samples in good shape were placed at theBioimpedance Freezer at 50 degrees Fahrenheit and relative humidity of 55%. This sample preparation of the cortical bones was divided into 4 different batches and each batch into 3groups taking into consideration the following elements: type of bone, aging, and bone size, and including theirassociated parameters such as pin diameter, overall length, thickness, eccentricity, and external and internaldiameter. The first group was identified with dry femur samples for adults’ mid-size bones. Those sampleswere cut into two sections with lengths of two and one inches respectively. The samples two inches long wereused for a destructive tensile test while the one inch was labeled and stored within the freezer to be used laterfor the Bioimpedance test. The final samples for this group have pin diameter, overall length, thickness, andexternal and internal diameter dimensions of 0.10, 2.0, 0.10, 0.20, 0.5, and 0.40 inches respectively. Thesecond group was identified with dry humerus samples for adults’ mid-size bones. Those samples were cutinto two sections with lengths of two and one inches respectively. The samples two inches long were used fora destructive tensile test while the one inch was labeled and stored within the freezer to be used later for theBioimpedance test. The final samples for this group have pin diameter, overall length, thickness, and externaland internal diameter dimensions of 0.10, 2.0, 0.10, 0.20, 0.5, and 0.40 inches respectively. For maximum shear stress theory, the material yields when the maximum shear stress at a point equals thecritical shear stress value for that material. Since this should be true for uniaxial stress state, we can use theresults from uniaxial tension test to determine the maximum allowable shear stress. The stress state in atensile specimen at the point of yielding is given by: . The maximum shear stress iscalculated as [13]:13Minerva JournalISSN-E: 2697-3650The Tsai-Wu failure criterion is one of the first failure criteria studied by scientists to evaluate factor of safetyfor composite materials. This failure criterion takes into consideration the total strain energy interacting in thespecimen. Based on the experiment proposed, it can be assumed a bi-dimensional plane stress, whichsimplifies the equation to the following: Velez. Simulation of Combined Stresses and Stress Concentration Factor Effects on a Femur Cortical Bones Vol.3, Issue. 8, (pp. 8-19)
The third group was identified with dry femur samples for adults’ mid-size bones. Those samples were cut intotwo sections with lengths of two and one inches respectively. The samples two inches long were used for adestructive tensile test while the one inch was labeled and stored within the freezer to be used later for theBioimpedance test. The final samples for this group have pin diameter, overall length, thickness, and externaland internal diameter dimensions of 0.10, 1.5, 0.10, 0.20, 0.5, and 0.40 inches respectively. The fourth groupwas identified with dry femur samples for young large-size bones. Those samples were cut into two sectionswith lengths of two and one inches respectively. The samples two inches long were used for a destructivetensile test while the one inch was labeled and stored within the freezer to be used later for Bioimpedancetests. The final samples for this group have pin diameter, length, thickness, and external and internal diameterdimensions of 0.10, 3.0, 0.13, 0.25, 0.65, and 0.52 inches respectively.The samples were cut and machined using a low-speed diamond saw. The diamond saw blade was immersedin a saline bath to minimize the heat created from friction, which has been shown to significantly affect thematerial properties, specifically, the plasticity of the cortical bone. Then, the sections cut from the humerus,and femur were placed in a bone chuck and a transverse cut was made along the axis of interest. Great carewas taken when placing the bone sections in a bone chuck to ensure the axis of interest coincided with theaxis of cutting. The cylindrical cortical bone samples were placed in a custom bone chuck, and a drill hole wasmade to remove the cancellous/trabecular bone from those samples. Also, additional cuts were made to levelthe uncut side and, if necessary, trim the ends to fit on the accessories manufactured, and customized for theuniversal tensile test machine since the existing and available grips are for metal specimens use only.Therefore, aluminum accessories (grips) were designed to minimize the crushing effect on the bone endswhen a tension load is applied. Once the grips were manufactured according to technical specifications, theinitial calibration and setup were done properly as presented in Fig. 2 below.14Minerva JournalISSN-E: 2697-3650Fig. 2.Tensile Test Calibration and Setup Prior to conducting the destructive tests, familiarization and practice with the tensile test machine and itssoftware were required [14]. Also, safety, biohazard and waste disposal, and biomaterials handling trainingswere taken to comply with US federal codes, standards, and regulations. The universal tensile machine used toperform the test was a brand Applied Test Systems, model 910, a double-column and rated at 10 kN. Themachine pre-set values for pre-load cell, velocity and displacement were 100 lbs, 0.15 in/min, and 0.05 inchesrespectively.Velez. Simulation of Combined Stresses and Stress Concentration Factor Effects on a Femur Cortical Bones Vol.3, Issue. 8, (pp. 8-19)
IV. RESULTSThe experimental tests of the dry cortical bones were divided into two different types of charts, the first one“Load vs Displacement” and the other “Stress vs Strain”. The Fig. 3 (a) represent the rough data obtained fromthe tensile tests while Fig. 3 (b) represents the relations between principal stresses and strains, including thestress concentration factor coefficient. The comparisons made between figures 3, 5 and 7 are necessary todetermine the variations between rough data and math models, considering the load and displacement andprincipal stresses and strains parameters. The ultimate strength values from batch 1, samples obtained fromfigures 3 (b), 4 (b) and 5(b) are 11 (1,595), 39 (5,656) and 27 (3,916) MPa (Psi) respectively. The principal strainsvalues on figures 3 (b), 4 (b) and 5(b) were obtained from ultimate strength points such as 0.0011, 0.0062 and0.0023 respectively. Also, it has been noticed that beyond these ultimate strength values, the fracture processbegins. The Young’s modulus for 3 (b), 4 (b) and 5(b) were obtained as follows: 10 (1,450), 6,290 (912,287) and11,739 (1,702,598) MPa (Psi). The charts provided in figures 3 (b), 4 (b) and 5(b) show a directly proportionalrelationship among the samples.A statistics analysis was performed through Minitab for all samples presented in this article to evaluate thestandard deviations, normal distribution, among other parameters. For descriptive analysis, it was assumedconfidence level and error (α) of 95% and 5% respectively. The total “Load” data analyzed for batch 1-sample 1was 39 readings and their mean, standard deviation and variance were 0.03819, 0.02280 and 0.00052respectively. The histogram of this sample provided in Fig. 9 showed a normal distribution pattern. The 22samples were analyzed and have been observed that other 21 samples showed similar trend to the oneobserved in Fig. 9. The Fig. 6 shows the fracture detail in the samples. It was demonstrated that samples failed due to stressconcentration factor with a combination of longitudinal and oblique fracture effects. The presence of normaland bending stresses along the samples validate that mathematical model serve to describe the physicalphenomena encounter in the experimental tests. On Fig 7, the oblique fractures predominate against thelongitudinal, indicating that more presence of bending was affecting the samples. Subsequently, it has beennoticed that samples with non-uniform geometries played a big role in the engineering analysis. In order to calibrate the model in CREO Parametric, the software request the entry of certain parameters andmaterial properties such as Young’s modulus, Poisson's ratio, yield strength and shear stiffness, whichaccording to [12] were initially assumed as 6.964 x 108 psi, 0.4, 4,352 psi and 2.487 x 108 psi respectively:Based on experimental fracture points, which are the same than ultimate tensile strength value obtained fromFig. 3 (b), 4 (b) and 5(b) (1,595; 5,656 and 3,916 Psi respectively), and CREO simulation values obtained fromFig. 8 (a), which indicated a Von Mises stress value of 4,770.94 Psi, a comparison was made between Fig. 4 (b)and 8 (a) to determine the percentage of error between the model and the physical experiment. Thecorresponding percent of error was 15.64%. Since there is no validated standard or average values to workswith canine cortical bones and the initial values used in CREO are slightly higher because corresponded tohuman cortical bones, the percent of error might be affected. 15Minerva JournalISSN-E: 2697-3650Velez. Simulation of Combined Stresses and Stress Concentration Factor Effects on a Femur Cortical Bones Vol.3, Issue. 8, (pp. 8-19)
Fig. 3. (a) Load vs. Displacement (Batch 1, Sample 1) (b) Principal Stress vs. Strain (Batch 1, Sample 1)16Minerva JournalISSN-E: 2697-3650Velez. Simulation of Combined Stresses and Stress Concentration Factor Effects on a Femur Cortical Bones Vol.3, Issue. 8, (pp. 8-19)
Fig. 5. (a) Load vs. Displacement (Batch 1, Samples 4 & 5) (b) Principal Stress vs. Strain (Batch 1, Samples 4 & 5) 17Minerva JournalISSN-E: 2697-3650Fig. 6 (a) Longitudinal Fracture on Batch 3, Sample 1 (b) Longitudinal Fracture on Batch 3, Sample 2 (c) Longitudinal Fracture on Batch 3, Sample 3Fig. 7. Tensile Tests Results (a) Close View of the Oblique Fracture on Batch 1, Sample 1 (b) Oblique Fracture on Batch 3, Sample 1 (c) Oblique Fracture on Batch 3, Sample 4Velez. Simulation of Combined Stresses and Stress Concentration Factor Effects on a Femur Cortical Bones Vol.3, Issue. 8, (pp. 8-19)
Fig. 8. Failure Criteria Simulation: (a) Von Mises Stress; (b) Failure Index; (c) Maximum Shear Stress18Minerva JournalISSN-E: 2697-3650Fig. 9. Histogram of the Load-(Batch 1-Sample 1) CONCLUSIONS A comprehensive methodology for destructive mechanical tests were established for preparing and testingcanine cadaveric cortical femur bone samples when are subject to axial loads and stress concentration factorsto obtain mechanical properties of the biomaterial. It was concluded that 83% of the data obtained from the22 samples observed from “Stress-Strain” charts showed a directly proportional relationship. The ultimatetensile strength (σult) values of the dry cortical femoral bones are equal to yield strength (σy) values, implyingthat bones samples behaved as a brittle material. Due to the small anisotropy of bone material analyzed (2 inlength x 0.5 in diameter) the eccentricity distance was relatively small, that might influence the conclusions ofthe study. The standard deviations per batches were considered within acceptable parameters. Theexperimental results on cortical bones are closer to the predictions made by the simulation to evaluate failurecriteria, considering a percentage of error of 15.64 %. Velez. Simulation of Combined Stresses and Stress Concentration Factor Effects on a Femur Cortical Bones Vol.3, Issue. 8, (pp. 8-19)
19Minerva JournalISSN-E: 2697-3650ACKNOWLEDGEMENTI want to thank Dr. Luis Thomas Ramos from “San Francisco de Asis” Veterinarian Hospital to support thisresearch by providing the femur and humerus bone samples. Also, I want to thank Dr. Julio Noriega Motta,Mechanical Engineering Department Head of the Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico to support with themechanical tensile machine and manufacturing engineering laboratories. REFERENCES[1] A. Bandyopadhyay and S. Bose, Characterization of Biomaterials, Waltham, MA: Elsevier, 2013. [2] J. Pelleg, Mechanical Properties of Materials, New York, London: Springer, 2013. [3] M. Jaffe, W. B. Hammond, P. Tolias and A. Treena, Characterization of Biomaterials, Newark, NJ: WoodheadPublishing, 2012. [4] G. R. Cointry, R. F. N. A. L. Capozza, E. J. Roldan and J. L. Ferretti, "Biomechanical Background for aNoninvasive Assessment of Bone Strength and Muscle-Bone Interactions," Journal Musculoskeletal NeuronInteract, vol. 4, no. 1, p. 1–11, 2003. [5] B. Clarke, "Normal Bone Anatomy and Physiology," Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology,vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 131-139, 2008. [6] M. Basharat, A. Ikhlas and J. Azher, "Study of Mechanical Properties of Bones and Mechanics of BoneFracture," in Proceedings of 60th Congress of ISTAM, Rajasthan, India, 2015. [7] W. D. Pilkey, D. F. Pilkey and B. Zhuming, Peterson's Stress Concentration Factors, Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley& Sons, 2020. [8] E. F. Morgan, G. U. Unnikrisnan and A. I. Hussein, "Bone Mechanical Properties in Healthy and DiseasedStates," Annu Rev Biomed Eng, vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 119-143, 2018. [9] A. J. Velez-Cruz, Stress-Strain Diagram, Bayamon, PR: AVC Press, 2022. [10] D.-3. ASTM Standard, Standard Test Methods for Composite Materials, West Conshohocken, PA: ASTMPress, 2004. [11] D. Roylance, Stress-Strain Curves, Cambridge, MA: Cambridge MIT Press, 2001. [12] B. Yang, Stress, Strain and Structural Dynamics, Los Angeles, CA: Academic Press , 2005. [13] T. L. Anderson, Fracture Mechanics Fundamentals and Applications, Boca de Raton, FL: CRC Press, 2006. [14] ASTM Standard, E-8M-01, Standard Test Methods for Tensile Testing of Metallic Materials, WestConshohocken, PA: ASTM Press, 2004. Velez. Simulation of Combined Stresses and Stress Concentration Factor Effects on a Femur Cortical Bones Vol.3, Issue. 8, (pp. 8-19)