Historical analysis of water pollution in the Portoviejo River


water quality
environmental pollution
degraded ecosystems
Portoviejo river

How to Cite

Guambo, G., Torres, J., & Quiroz, S. (2022). Historical analysis of water pollution in the Portoviejo River. Minerva, 3(8), 54-60. https://doi.org/10.47460/minerva.v3i8.64


The river Portoviejo crosses four cantons of the province of Manabí and is the main source of water for the inhabitants of the area to be used in various uses. The objective of this bibliographic review article is to carry out a historical analysis of the water pollution of the Portoviejo River. The qualitative and descriptive documentary research methodology was used. The authors conclude that the factors that influence the pollution of the Portoviejo River are the constant direct discharges of wastewater and solid waste along its route by the residents of the area and the contribution of the water treatment plant waste from the area.



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