Ecuador's Floriculture Industry is essential as one of the biggest flower producers exporting flowers worldwide. However, flower production generates harmful environmental waste, emitting greenhouse gases. Therefore, it is vital to implement sustainable practices. In this document, an analysis of the supply chain will be conducted to provide a cleaner production system and efficiency for the Floriculture Industry. The objective is to reduce the harmful impact on the environment, searching solutions to minimize water use and develop energy-efficient technology. As a result, we look forward to sustainable flower production, protecting the environment and natural resources.
https://www.metroflorcolombia.com/evolucion-del-mercado-global-de-flores-su-desarrollo-por-region-y-las-oportunidades-de-colombia-en-los-principales-paises-y-regiones-importadoras/#:~:text=El%20mercado%20global%20de%20flores,un%20crecimiento%20global%20de. [Last Access: June 27, 2023].
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