General information for authors
The Revista Multidisciplinaria Minerva is a scientific research publication in continuous circulation since April 2020. With a fixed four-month periodicity, it covers various multidisciplinary research areas, including:
- Social Sciences
-Basic Sciences
- Health Sciences
- Medical Sciences
- Legal Sciences, Economics, and Administration
- Environmental Sciences
- Agricultural and Forestry Sciences
- Exact and Natural Sciences
- Engineering Technologies and Sciences
- Architecture
- Humanities
- Industrial Applications
- Developments and Prototypes
The journal follows a four-month publication schedule: January–April, May-August, and September–December. Each issue is published fifteen days after the last month of the respective period.
Target Audience
The Revista Multidisciplinaria Minerva is intended for students, professors, researchers, and the general public who are passionate about and interested in scientific research and dissemination. The journal is published in digital format (ISSN: 2697-3650) and is available in both Spanish and English as its primary languages.
Peer-Review System and Publication Standards
The Revista Multidisciplinaria Minerva is a peer-reviewed scientific journal that employs an external evaluation system by experts (peer review), using the double-blind review methodology. Citation and publication guidelines follow the standards of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). Adhering to this system ensures that submitted works receive an impartial and objective review process. Additionally, this system facilitates the journal’s inclusion in international reference databases, repositories, and indexing services.
Guidelines for authors
Note: Minerva only accepts original work to be considered for publication.
Guidelines for authors
Authors who wish to publish in the Minerva Multidisciplinary Journal of Scientific Research must take into account the following items:
A) For authors to know the format of their articles must have been published in a journal, download this file: Minerva Format
B) To make the declaration of originality of the material sent to the magazine, download the following file: Minerva Declaration of Originality.
C) For the authors to know the format that the book chapters must have to be published in the journal, download this file: Minerva Book chapter
Process for the publication of articles
The editorial process times are as follows:
- 3 days for first section editor response or pass to peer review.
- 10 to 20 days for the editor's response to the peer reviewers' observations.
- 1 to 3 months after approval, publication of the article on the journal's website.
Authors should submit their products through the OJS platform and will be informed of the submission dates on time.
In principle, the area of study, subject matter, format, and relevance of the article will be taken into account, notifying the authors of the following:
1.- That the article has passed to the peer review stage, which will academics considered experts in the area of study of the article. This process will last ten calendar days, in open mode, taking into account the evaluation form present in the OJS platform. This evaluation will also use the double-blind method for author(s) and evaluators, that is, the evaluators will be sent the article without the identity of the authors and any other data referring to them, and the authors will be given the observations without the evaluators' data. If there is no coherence between the evaluations, a third evaluation will be considered, complying with the double-blind standard. The evaluators will perform their work under the criteria of confidentiality and impartiality.
2.- That the article is rejected for not being of interest to the journal or for presenting a format that is not established by the journal.
Once the article has been evaluated and submitted to the editorial committee, the authors will be notified:
In cases where an article has been accepted by the editorial committee, authors must sign a Declaration of Originality and an Authorization of Publication and Reproduction Rights, granting permission for its inclusion in databases, websites, or electronic platforms, both national and international (see: Declaration of Originality and Declaration of Conflict of Interest forms). The authors bear full responsibility for the content of their articles, including text, tables, figures, and all accompanying information. Additionally, the views expressed in the article are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the perspective of the editorial committee.
3.- That the article cannot be published because the modifications are too extensive or it is not by the Journal.
4.- That the article presents minor revisions that can be improved for subsequent publication. Likewise, the author(s) will have 15 calendar days to return the article with the suggested corrections together with a letter indicating the modifications made.
The editorial committee will evaluate whether the observations made have been complied with and, if it considers it pertinent, will send it again to the peer reviewer. The publication decision will be subject to the agreement of the peer reviewer and the editorial committee, considering the observations previously made. In the case of disagreement with the peer reviewers' evaluations, the authors should send a letter of explanation justifying their position on the observations. The journal reserves the right to edit the texts, without changing the meaning of the article.
Manuscript Structure
Length: The article must not exceed a total of 12 pages.
Empirical research papers, as well as literature reviews, must follow the IDMRC structure (Introduction, Development, Methodology, Results, and Conclusions). An Acknowledgments section may be included after the Conclusions, but it is optional. If the manuscript includes a Discussion section, it must be incorporated within the Results. Studies involving animals or human subjects in medical or psychological trials must provide supporting documentation (e.g., experimental records, medications, dosages, etc.), which should be included as annexes.
Title (Spanish): Calibri size 14, with a maximum of 12 words. The title must be general, without acronyms or periods. Due to indexing requirements, the editorial board may suggest changes to the title, although the responsibility for it primarily rests with the authors.
Authors: Authors' names should be placed in text boxes without borders or background, containing: full name (without academic titles) in Calibri size 10, full ORCID URL, institutional email, institutional affiliation, and the city and country where the author is located. The text boxes should be arranged in two columns, where the first row corresponds to the first two authors, the second row to the third and fourth authors, up to a maximum of six authors. If the number of authors is odd, the last author should be centered in the corresponding row.
Abstract (Spanish): Written in Calibri size 10, with a maximum length of 150 words. The abstract should briefly and clearly describe the content of the article. Its purpose is to allow readers to quickly identify the topic, the main findings, and the research implications.
Keywords (Spanish): Written in Calibri size 10, lowercase, and separated by commas.
Title (English): Calibri size 12, with a maximum of 12 words, following the same guidelines as in Spanish.
Abstract (English): Must follow the same characteristics as the Spanish version.
Keywords (English): Must follow the same characteristics as the Spanish version.
I. Introduction: Text in Calibri size 11. This section presents the research background, progressing from general to specific.
II. Development: This section covers theoretical and conceptual aspects, including references and mathematical arguments that support the research, as well as contextual elements of the study. It may include subtitles, figures, or tables that are relevant to the research.
III. Methodology: Text in Calibri size 11. This section should focus on the processes, steps, and phases of the research. It should not include theoretical foundations, definitions, or citations.
IV. Results: Text in Calibri size 11. This section presents findings related to the research objectives. Figures should be accompanied by descriptions within nearby paragraphs. Discussions of each result should be included in this section in an organized manner. There is no separate Discussion section (it is optional within this section). More details can be found in the downloadable format.
Conclusions: Text in Calibri size 11. Conclusions must strictly pertain to the contributions of the study. If preferred, numbering may be used. Avoid repeating aspects already mentioned in the Abstract. A conclusion may highlight the significance of the study, suggest potential applications, or propose future research directions. Do not restate findings from the Results or any other section.
Appendix: Text in Calibri size 11. If necessary, appendices should be included in this section.
Acknowledgment: Use the singular title even if there are multiple acknowledgments. Avoid phrases like "One of us (S.B.A.) would like to thank...". Instead, write "F. A. acknowledges...". Only institutional, foundation, or data laboratory acknowledgments are accepted—personal acknowledgments are not permitted.
References: Citations and references must be formatted using Microsoft Word’s citation tool and must follow the IEEE style. References should be numbered consecutively in brackets [1]. The period in a sentence follows the bracket [2]. Multiple references should be cited as [2], [3] with separate brackets, or as a range [1]–[3]. When citing a section from a book, please indicate the relevant page numbers [2]. Within sentences, refer to the reference number as in [3]. Do not use "Ref. [3]" or "reference [3]" except at the beginning of a sentence: "Reference [3] shows...".
Please note that the references below follow the preferred IEEE format. All authors must be cited; do not use "et al." unless there are six or more authors. Use a space after the author's initials. Unpublished documents should be cited as "unpublished" [4]. Papers that have been submitted or accepted for publication should be cited as "submitted for publication" [5]. Please include affiliations and addresses for personal communications [6].
Capitalize only the first letter of the document title, except for proper nouns and element symbols.