Prevalence of superficial mycosis in patients with lesions suggestive of dermatophytosis
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superficial mycosis
suggestive skin lesions

How to Cite

Aveiga Maldonado, I. P., & Maldonado Lira, B. M. (2020). Prevalence of superficial mycosis in patients with lesions suggestive of dermatophytosis. Minerva, 1(3), 15-22.


This work consisted of identifying the prevalence of superficial mycosis in patients with lesions suggestive of dermatophytosis. To this end, a prospective, quantitative longitudinal-cut study was carried out with a documentary and exploratory scope in which 42 patients participated, who during months of the study came with a presumed diagnosis of superficial mycosis; The results obtained showed that 71.4% of the patients are men, the majority aged between 31 and 40 years, work as laborers and have frequent contact with the ground. The fungi found were T. rubrum with 29%, T. mentagrophytes with 7%, Malassezia with 2%, and in the same quantity 2% in other superficial lesions not caused by fungi. It was observed that the most affected are men of reproductive age who have contact with the ground and, being exposed to the hot tropical climate, are prone to acquiring superficial mycosis.

Keywords: Superficial mycosis, fungi, suggestive skin lesions, dermatophytosis.
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