The Green Market in Latin America and Social Responsibility Business
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How to Cite

Sanchez, D., & Aguilar, K. (2020). The Green Market in Latin America and Social Responsibility Business. Minerva, 1(3), 40-44.


This work focused on deepening on the topic of green economies and Corporate Social Responsibility. Through a documentary investigation, it was possible to show that green economies are still very underdeveloped in all parts of the world, where Europe is the one that has the most progress on this issue, with Latin America lagging behind in this regard due to technological and development problems. Regarding social responsibility, it was understood that it represents
a cornerstone for the development of nations and one of the most relevant ways to achieve sustainability, reducing problems such as poverty and environmental impact. It was concluded that the importance of these research works lies in the breadth of the analysis they propose, which serves as a referential element of great significance from which to start for other investigations.

Keywords: Sustainability, Responsibility, Society, Development.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


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