Removal of chromium and copper from synthetic water samples using passion fruit peels


heavy metals
passion fruit shell

How to Cite

Santamaria Zambrano, Y. A., Segovia Quinonez, V. A., Garcia Muente, S. A., & Sanchez Mendoza, V. A. (2024). Removal of chromium and copper from synthetic water samples using passion fruit peels. Minerva, 5(15), 9-21.


In this work, modified passion fruit husk was used as biomass for the removal of chromium and copper present in the waters. PH, contact time, and particle size were considered experimental factors. Stirring speed, dosage, and temperature were considered constants. The results showed a 69% decrease in chromium using a pH 4, 90 min, and 300 μm composition. For copper, 74.4% was removed at pH 4, with 120 min and 300 μm, based on initial concentrations of 30 ppm for both metals. The results showed that passion fruit peel is a potential effective removal agent for chromium and copper in synthetic waters. This supports its possible application in the purification of metal-contaminated water, which could contribute to environmental protection.


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