Effects of climate anomalies on the soil-atmosphere interaction model and its convergence with conventional climate models


climate anomalies
soil-atmosphere interaction
conventional models

How to Cite

Girón, M., & Dam, O. L. (2024). Effects of climate anomalies on the soil-atmosphere interaction model and its convergence with conventional climate models. Minerva, 5(15), 83-94. https://doi.org/10.47460/minerva.v5i15.177


The application of the Determination of the Effect of Climate Anomalies on Soil-Atmosphere Interaction (DECASAI) model is described, which allows estimating the water evaporation over bodies of water and soils, based on a thermodynamic and kinetic approach. The model studies seasonal climate anomalies with emphasis on prolonged droughts (ENSO), to predict the vulnerability of selected water bodies, in their hydraulic and pluvial aspects. The model is integrated into the Biotic Pump Theories, evapotranspiration, and other conventional models such as Orchidee using the new absent information provided by the model in their calculations. The analysis estimated the critical radius of the condensed water droplets, for application in the conventional models. The proposed model is sufficiently robust and complementary for use in certain localities located in the Hadley cells, depending on their continentality.



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