Relationship between emotional competencies and performance in project execution
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emotional intelligence
emotional skills
project performance

How to Cite

Rivas, E., & Diaz, C. (2021). Relationship between emotional competencies and performance in project execution. Minerva, 2(4), 34-44.


The development of science and technology and technical competencies has promoted the development of society, making them more complex, causing emotional aptitudes to become factors of success, since they affect human performance in all scenarios where it operates, not, However, despite research in this area, currently, there are no models that relate these skills to organizational performance, which gave rise to this research that seeks to determine the impact of these skills in the execution of projects in the company ENGISERV VENEZUELA AC To carry out the study, the methodology used I consider that it is field research, not experimental and cross-sectional. The population consisted of 35 project experts and the sample was selected by the simple random probabilistic method, concluding that emotional competencies affect the performance of projects by 83.4%.

Keywords: Emotional intelligence, emotional skills, project performance.
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