Evaluation digital of tolos for the management the portafolio educational
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digital tools
teaching-learning process
educational digital portfolio

How to Cite

Montano, F. D. (2021). Evaluation digital of tolos for the management the portafolio educational. Minerva, 2(4), 55-61. https://doi.org/10.47460/minerva.v2i4.27


The educational digital portfolio is a virtual tool that combines technological resources in order to strengthen the teaching-learning processes, allowing the development of active and participatory criteria in teacher and student circumstances. The research describes the teaching-learning processes proposing
new pedagogical systems and improvements in academic methodology. Likewise, strategies are proposed to contribute to educational development as a fundamental source for solving the serious problems that affect current education; In addition, it was determined that the use of virtual tools during the academic processes will motivate the learning of students in an active, dynamic and interactive way, considering that it is of transcendental importance that the academic units have a computer system that organizes their training documentation with the purpose of managing the pedagogical didactic processes in an optimal way. Finally, the results show that the use of the educational digital portfolio is essential, as a virtual tool that facilitates the teacher to evaluate the student's competencies during the teaching-learning process, using methodologies according to current education in order to enhance skills with performance criteria.

Keywords: Digital tools, teaching-learning process, educational digital portfolio.

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