Confinement, stress and attitudes in pandemic times
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How to Cite

Alcivar Cedeño, M. D. D. R., Cedeno Molina, J. I., Mendoza Rodriguez, E. R., & Bravo Sanchez, Y. B. (2021). Confinement, stress and attitudes in pandemic times. Minerva, 2(5), 13-19.


A review of the emotional aspects that occur during the COVID-19 pandemic is presented. Relevant results are presented showing that stress has been an essential element in all scenarios in times of confinement. However, in periods and schedules where there is no confinement, stress is also present in people. Despite this common feature, there are small groups that do not show stress in the face of confinement and, on the contrary, have managed to cope effectively with this situation, carrying out undertakings or activities for personal improvement. Among the most relevant conclusions is that attitude is fundamental for adaptation to change and improvements in quality of life.

Keywords: Confinement, attitude, stress.
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