The use of crowdfunding and its impact on entrepreneurship in the city of Ambato - Ecuador


Economic performance

How to Cite

Acosta, D., Horna, M., & Caiza, C. (2021). The use of crowdfunding and its impact on entrepreneurship in the city of Ambato - Ecuador. Minerva, 2(6), 13-22.


Crowdfunding and its impact on entrepreneurship in the city of Ambato are studied, according to several authors the variables are associated quite well when undertaking an idea and seeking financing. Within this process, the advantages and disadvantages of using crowdfunding are highlighted, as well as the process to undertake and finance projects. The results express that there is still the wrong thinking that financing is a limitation to undertake and they do not look for options in the market that can satisfy their needs. The results to entrepreneurs show that there is ignorance about crowdfunding but there is a real interest in learning about the subject and using it; also that the first financing option is banking. Finally, through the chi-square, the hypothesis is verified, accepting that crowdfunding does impact the enterprises of the city of Ambato.

Keywords: Crowdfunding, Entrepreneurship, Investments, Financing, Economic performance.


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