Analysis of the Early Entrepreneurship Rate and the generation of jobs


Entrepreneurship rate
employment indicators

How to Cite

Jacome, S., & Polit, G. (2021). Analysis of the Early Entrepreneurship Rate and the generation of jobs. Minerva, 2(6), 70-78.


The article analyzes the Early Entrepreneurship Rate (TEA) and the generation of jobs. The results show in the first instance that undertaking in the province of Tungurahua is very complicated. The EAP of the province is 313,018 between men and women; of these, a quarter is employed in more than 42,500 companies, which is why there has been growth in new companies at the provincial level. Finally, the equation is applied where the constant is employment and established companies and these explain the TEA; therefore, the p-value of the variables is less than the significance level, that is, the alternative hypothesis is verified, being that the Early Entrepreneurship Rate (TEA) does generate jobs.

Keywords: Entrepreneurship, TEA, Employment, Entrepreneurship rate, employment indicators.


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