Access and reuse policies

Access and reuse policies.

Minerva, Journal of Scientific Research adheres to the Open Access model in which the contents of scientific publications are available in free full text on the Internet, without temporary embargoes, and whose editorial production costs are not transferred to the authors. This policy proposes to break the economic barriers that generate inequities both in access to information and in the publication of research results.

The articles, opinions and contributions published in this journal do not necessarily represent the informative or institutional philosophy of Minerva Multidisciplinary Journal of Scientific Research, or of AutanaBooks. What is published in this journal may be reproduced with the authorization of the editorial committee. In case of using the material published here, you must respect the authorship and cite appropriately.

About copyright

- The authors who have publications with the journal Minerva Multidisciplinary Journal of Scientific Research, adhere to the following terms in relation to our copyright policies:

- The authors will have the freedom to close non-exclusive distribution agreements of the versions published in Minerva (example: institutional repositories, academic compilations, etc.) provided that it is indicated that the work or works were initially published in this magazine.

- The authors will fully preserve the rights over their works, assigning the journal the right to first publication thereof.

- Authors are recommended to disseminate their works in the electronic media of the institutions to which they are affiliated or personal digital media in order to encourage both the exchange of ideas and increase citations to the work (s) ) published in this journal.

In addition, copyright will be governed by the article 188 of the Criminal Code of Ecuador.

Art.188. Penal Code of Ecuador

Art. 188.- The crime of plagiarism is committed by seizing another person by means of violence, threats, seduction, or deception, whether to sell or put them against their will at the service of another, or to obtain any utility, or to force them to pay rescue or deliver a movable thing, or extend, deliver or sign a document that provides or may have legal effects, or to compel it to do or omit to do something, or to compel a third party to execute one of the indicated acts tending to the release of the plagiarist. Note: Article replaced by Law No. 47, published in Official Gazette 422 of September 28, 2001.

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