El parto humanizado: aportes desde la sociología
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Palabras clave

parto humanizado
atención médica
atención hospitalaria

Cómo citar

Yupangui, G., & Analuisa, E. (2024). El parto humanizado: aportes desde la sociología. Minerva, 5(15), 75-82. https://doi.org/10.47460/minerva.v5i15.176


This study examined nurses' perceptions of humanized childbirth in the current context. A qualitative research design with an exploratory phenomenological approach was employed, using purposive sampling that included personnel from maternity and obstetrics units. The information saturation criterion was applied. Data collection was carried out using semi-structured interview guides. The analysis was based on grounded theory, resulting in five categories: perception, promotion, knowledge, factors, and sexual and reproductive rights. The main findings reveal that humanized childbirth was largely interrupted during the pandemic due to fear of contagion but has gradually resumed since 2022. Ultimately, it is fundamental to emphasize that humanized childbirth represents the best option for mothers, as it facilitates maternal recovery and contributes to the well-being of the baby. However, healthcare facilities must be adequately prepared and empathetic to care for patients effectively.

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