Use of GeoGebra as a didactic resource for the solution of linear ordinary differential equations


ordinary differential equations
solution of an ODE

How to Cite

Lascano, E., Alay, A., & Rivadeneira, F. (2024). Use of GeoGebra as a didactic resource for the solution of linear ordinary differential equations. Minerva, 5(14), 29-39.


The objective of this work was to statistically test whether the free software GeoGebra is useful as a didactic tool to facilitate the teaching-learning process of linear ordinary differential equations (ODE). For this purpose, we worked with a group of engineering students who, in the first instance, were taught traditionally, while in the second phase, GeoGebra was used as a didactic support tool to improve understanding and facilitate the solution of these equations. The grades obtained by the students in each stage of the process were used to perform the Wilcoxon nonparametric test for two related samples applying the free software R, which showed that the didactic strategy implemented allowed the students to achieve a better understanding of the basic theory of linear ODEs.


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