Study and simulation of the coordination of electrical protections


electrical system
coordination of protections
electrical fealures

How to Cite

Casa Chancusig, L. F., Barbosa Galarza , J. E., & Quinatoa Caiza, C. I. (2024). Study and simulation of the coordination of electrical protections. Minerva, 5(14), 63-72.


This study analyzes the protection coordination of an electrical system using the ETAP software, which models each element based on the system’s single-line diagram. The initial conditions are established by considering the load levels of the elements and lines, corresponding to the presence of nominal loads. Next, a fault analysis is performed, followed by a protection coordination study that defines fault scenarios in different busbar systems and evaluates the performance characteristics of the protection devices. Finally, a techno-economic analysis is performed, incorporating historical energy consumption data of the industrial plant.


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