Study and simulation of the coordination of electrical protections


electrical system
coordination of protections
electrical failures.

How to Cite

Casa Chancusig, L. F., Barbosa Galarza , J. E., & Quinatoa Caiza, C. I. (2024). Study and simulation of the coordination of electrical protections. Minerva, 5(15), 32-41.


In this work, an analysis of the coordination of protections of an electrical system is carried out. To do this, the ETAP software is used, which allows the modeling of each element from the single-line diagram of the electrical system. The initial conditions associated with the load level of the elements and lines due to the presence of loads at nominal values are defined. Next, a failure analysis is developed, to carry out a protection coordination study later, defining failure scenarios in different bars of the system, as well as the performance characteristics of the protections. Finally, a technical-economic analysis is carried out, considering historical data on energy consumption by the industrial plant.


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