Multivariate methods for constructing composite indices in cultural management: a literature review


Multivariate methods
composite indicators
cultural management

How to Cite

Barreiro Linzan, M. D., & Lelly. (2023). Multivariate methods for constructing composite indices in cultural management: a literature review. Minerva, 4(10), 31-39.


Every cultural institution providing services to external users must be frequently evaluated to know user satisfaction and management optimally; multivariate methods are an alternative in constructing indexes due to the goodness of the techniques in interrelating a set of characteristics
simultaneously. To initiate the research, a bibliographic search was carried out using keywords such as "multivariate methods," "composite indicators," "public management," "quality service," and "user satisfaction." As a result, the most frequently found techniques are multiple linear and logistic regression, factorial, cluster analysis, canonical correlation, principal components and correspondence analysis, variable selection, and construction of composite indexes. It is concluded that multivariate methods are optimal methodologies for constructing composite indexes. However, a methodology based on multivariate techniques applied in cultural management measurements in a standard way still needs to be improved.


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