Rock material particle size and its correlation with the point load test index



How to Cite

Feijoo, P., Peralta, A., Tamayo, A., & Feijoo, B. (2022). Rock material particle size and its correlation with the point load test index. Minerva, 3(7), 78-88.


Abstract: This work proposes the methodology to obtain a correlation between the particle size of the rock material and the point load test index (Is 50), in order to characterize the materials, present in mining projects in terms of resistance. For a correct development of mining activities, both open pit (quarries) and underground (mines), it is important to determine the compressive strength of the rocks, since, through it, geomechanical classifications are obtained, and thus calculate safety factors to define stabilization and/or fortification systems for mining operations. This work was developed on the basis of samples from a geological formation and subsequent preparation of specimens, then they were subjected to physical tests, which can be carried out without problem in the field, and finally, the respective relationships were obtained. The results are encouraging and the equations are proposed to characterize the rock and achieve the proposed objective.

Keywords: Rock, Crushing, Classification, Compression.


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