Faculty perceptions about the use of the systematic literature review at the university


systematic literature review
university teacher perception
scientific or academic text production

How to Cite

Barreiro Vera, B. A., Vera Velez, D., Mantilla Vivas, A., Munoz Ponce, H., & Meza Intriago, F. (2022). Faculty perceptions about the use of the systematic literature review at the university. Minerva, 1(Special), 65-75. https://doi.org/10.47460/minerva.v1iSpecial.81


In the university environment, research reports abound with limited use of the systematic review of the literature, which implies insufficient theoretical support and inappropriate use of information from other researchers; this work fulfilled the objective of identifying the teachers' perceptions about the use of the Systematic Literature Review techniques. A mixed methodology was applied, using analysis-synthesis and statistical methods to process the information obtained in the survey. The data analyzed were obtained from surveys of 61 university professors. It was accepted as a result that search engines are used more and more using the appropriate logical operators, recognizing their importance in the academic and investigative work of the teacher, as well as the need to strengthen the capacities for their systematization in the training of professionals and methodological activity.



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