Analysis of the return to face-to-face teaching and administrative staff within the Faculty of Administrative Sciences


virtual education
mental health

How to Cite

Munoz Vasconez, M. J., & Jimenez Castro, W. F. (2024). Analysis of the return to face-to-face teaching and administrative staff within the Faculty of Administrative Sciences. Minerva, 5(15), 53-63.


The research was carried out within the framework of the analysis of the return to face-to-face teaching and administrative staff within the Faculty of Administrative Sciences of the Technical University of Ambato. The research contemplates the perspective against the return to face-to-face activities. Likewise, the research deals with the factors that condition the return to attendance. Biosafety regulations that aim to create a safe space for the development of academic activities. The emotional impact caused by the pandemic on the university community and how it is reflected in the learning process. The administrative and teaching staff are characterized by the new face-to-face topics on mental health and the risks and challenges they must face. During the new presence, it is important to talk about the personal, psychosocial, and psychological factors that favor the work environment of the administrative, teaching, and service staff of the faculty.


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